Monday, October 21, 2013

Back. Up. Your. Stories.

So a couple of weeks ago my computer went funky and gave me the loading circle of death whenever I tried to click on something.  A couple of hard boots and a disc check later, and it was fine.  Then this last Thursday... it started up again.  I left my computer on all night, and in the morning it was still pulling the loading circle of death.  So I had my father--and yes, I do live at home still *nods*--call Dell, and they spent about a half an hour to an actual hour figuring out the problem.  Two more hours, and there's nothing on my computer but the original factory settings.

As of now, my computer's fine.  I need to re-update the graphics driver, but I haven't gotten the loading circle for a while. 

My point is, all I had time to salvage was my notes for my college courses, plus whatever I already had on my flash drives beforehand.  All of my fanfictions, short stories, and--oh my goodness, my title list... they're all gone.  So I would suggest every day to back up your story at least once, or more.  Tomorrow you might have an issue on your computer that might require you to do what I did. 

Now I just need to figure out where that darn flash drive disappeared off to.  >>

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