Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I've actually got quite a bit of the outline already (was totally working on it last month)  It's not much, but it covers the majority of the plot I've got going on in my head.  Here's a tiny example:

"Andrea fights the superheroes."

Yup.  That's it.  It's the beginning, which I wanted to start off with quite a bit of action.  What I'm not saying here is that it's supposed to be her first real day on the job, and that she's part of a team.  That's okay, though, because this outline gives me room to play with that sort of thing.  The key to making a good outline is one that gives you room to deviate.  Trust me.  If you have EVERYTHING detailed out, you're not going to have any fun at all whatsoever.

Once I started out writing an outline, excited and thrilled about putting together what I thought was an awesome story.  Then when I came to the end of the outline for the first book (in what was a trilogy) I hated it.  I just put too much detail in for what I needed at the time.

On another note, I'm not proud of this last part of the outline for my superhero story:


Yeah.  And this is after a really intense scene where she almost kills someone.  I am so going to change that.  Don't know what to yet, as she does need his help, but I'll think of something.  At least I know where the story is going and in general what's going to happen. 

How are y'all doing on your storylines?  Or are you flying by the seat of your pants?  You writing fanfiction?  Adventure?  Fantasy?

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