Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 19

Word Count goal for Day 19:  31,847/31,673

I'm ahead by almost two hundred.

This makes me happy, considering I managed to just finish three days of word counts because I missed two entire days of writing last weekend, and woke up with pretty much half of yesterday's wordcount finished. Went to bed last night with 700 short of being officially caught up. And because I spent two hours last night writing and being distracted being writing, I wrote a bunch of it between midnight and two am. It was about 1:40 am where I gave up and just went to bed.

But yeah. I'm almost 10k past where I made it two years ago (the most I'd ever written on a nano story before Nano2013). I'm so giddy and pleased, and it looks like reaching 50k at the end of the month might actually be possible. I still have a lot to do. I've got school tomorrow and work pretty much directly after. I have Thursday and Friday off from work, so I've got plenty of time to catch up on it if I fall behind (which is something that I've pledged NOT to do for the rest of week three) and hopefully a Catching Fire movie. I'm so excited for that. You gots no idea.

So yeah. Today has been kind of giddy.

Fun characters and good fights. :D

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