Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 22

Wordcount:  38,423/38,333

(almost to 40k!  Wheeee!)

Hello there, my fine and fancy non-existant readers. :D  Guess I'm not the next 12 months of Nano star that I've read the other blog on.

I guess maybe I've got to go and give some writing advice.

Do not listen when people tell you your idea is terrible.  For one thing, when they outright say that they're just outright being rude.  That, and those people probably just don't like the genre you're writing under.  I saw somebody that was mentioning on a forum that they were going to write a story where a person from our world finds themselves on another planet.  Many published authors have done that, okay.  But the other commenters on the thread stated basically that it was a stupid idea, that it was plain and simply just self-insertion.  You know, those stories where you can basically tell that the author is basically the MC and the whole story is basically a wish to be on another world having amazing adventures?  Yah.

I thought the idea was rough, needed a little refinement, but there was no way I was going to bash it the way these people were.  And the result of their words?  After the first two posts they said, "Oh, okay.  It's stupid.  I'll move on to something else."

For all we know that book they just gave up on writing could've been the next Harry Potter series.

And hey, who hasn't written a book where the MC goes to another world?  I've done it.  Contemplated trying my hand on it again.  And it's a good idea, I just need to find the proper direction.  Pantsing is not the way to go with that one.

Still, if you have someone come up to you and tell you that they have an idea of an epic story of cats fighting evil cardinals (birds) and it sounds completely hokey to you, keep in mind, they're probably not writing for you as an audience.  Encourage them, don't tear down their hopes, dreams and aspirations.  For all you know, you're stopping someone from fulfilling what could've been an awesome destiny.

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