Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 29: WINNER!

Wordcount:  50,382/48,333

I left for Thanksgiving with 3k to write and a hope to use someone else's computer (my laptop is broken, remember?) and I returned today with 3k to write.

AND I DID IT.  I had parentals screaming at me to do my college work and a snoopy brother who tattled on me the whole time, but I did it.  And now I have a WINNER! banner to prove my awesomeness, even though they chewed me out and tattled on me the whole time it was printing.

To be honest, it really spoiled the happy feelings I had over winning.  I still have plenty of time to work on both projects, but now I feel really bad about the whole situation.  No regrets about winning and still having awesome grades, but yeah.

Anyway, I won't depress anyone anymore, and I will say that I have been doing a good job of keeping up on everything.  I will say that it has been a stressful month juggling school, work, and Nano, and that I'm not sure if I will do the whole 12 months thing because I don't want to have to deal with this all year long.  It doesn't seem worth it when I have a half a story here that seems like a good gem all on its own, and family relations to re-establish.

December I will use to edit my story, and I will work on an X-Men fanfic.

This will be my blog, despite the lack of 12 months even after just one.


So instead of 12 months filled with 50k each month, it'll be 12 months of working on my nano story/ies.  :D    This is so exciting!  And when I finally get my computer fixed, I'll have scrivener and this will make it SO MUCH BETTER.

Now.  To order my nano shirt.


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